Sunday, June 12, 2011


Last night we saw that in Lincoln City, there would be rice paper and bamboo lanterns lit and launched over the river.  I was hoping for a re-creation of my favorite scene from the Disney movie "Tangled".  Lars and I rounded up the girls and told them we were going to do something really fun and loaded them all into the car.  The whole twenty miles to Lincoln City they were trying to guess what we were doing.  A lot of the guesses included McDonald's and ice cream cones. 

When we got there, we explained what was going on and watched as the lanterns were being lit and launched.  We stayed up along the road rather than trying to find a parking spot up close, so we were a little way away, but the lanterns were still beautiful...although not as plentiful as in the movie. 

After a few minutes E turned to me and asked, "Is this the really fun thing you said we were going to do?"  "Yes." I answered.  "Is it fun?"  E pursed her lips, shook her head and said, "Not so much."

1 comment:

Amy said...

that's my favorite scene too! probably one of my favorite movies. i can't wait to see you 5 lovely ladies!!!!!!!!!!