Sunday, May 22, 2011

my poor legs

These are both my own fault and were obtained because I was lacking in common sense.  However, I feel entitled to gripe about here goes.

Injury 1
A couple weeks ago I read a book about a woman who had four daughters and was dying.  In the book she said she wished she would have played with her kids more at the play ground rather than sitting on the bench and watching them.  I decided I was going to play more as well.  We went to the park the next day and I was helping the girls go across the bars when I thought I would impress them and pull an old trick out of my bag. 

When I was in elementary school, we would hook one leg over the bar, wrap our arms under the bar and over our ankle and then spin until we were so dizzy we couldn't stand up straight.  I thought I would give it a try and show my girls I was a really cool Mom. 

I did it.  My girls were impressed.  I had a moment of irreverent pride and got the biggest, darkest bruise on the back of my knee.  Apparently tricks like that should be left to those weighing less than 55 pounds. 

Injury 2

No, thankfully that's not me (but it's funny)

Last week was sunny for most of five days in a row.  (That's amazing.)  I wanted to soak it up as much as I could.  I spent many hours tide pooling, collecting shells, playing on the beach and at the park with my girls and going on walks.  One afternoon, however, I decided to lay on my deck and read a book.  Now, in Newport, sunny does NOT mean warm.  I wrapped a blanket around the top half of me and decided to let my legs get some sun.  I fell asleep.  Three hours later I crawled inside.  The backs of my legs from above my knee to my ankle are FRIED.  Even now, three days later, I want to cry every time I have to bend my knees.  My girls keep giving me hugs of sympathy and saying, "I wish you didn't have that sunburn Mom."  Me too...but now I have a great reminder to stock up on sunscreen for this summer.


Amy said...

i thought i asked you NOT to post that sunburned picture of me. ;)

softhef said...

ah haaaaaa

blim4evans said...

have you tried rubbing aloe vera on them? that always works for have to put it on often and rub it all the way in but it's worth it

lucysmom said...

What's the name of the book you read?