Sunday, May 22, 2011

Art Exhibit

Leah and Naomi both entered an art piece into the Lincoln County School Art Show. 

Naomi's piece won and artistic excellence award.  They selected four students from K-4th grade based on skill...and a bunch of other stuff (see...not remembering).  Anyway, she got a fancy certificate and a gold sticker next to her piece in the gallery.

Leah's artwork showed up in the local newspaper.
And here are a couple other pictures from the Gallery Open House and the walk home.

 Leah, Naomi, Heidi, Yaya
 Cheesy Heidi
Heidi stopping to smell the...tulips


Amy said...

1st: yay Leah and Naomi! you girls are so amazing. :)

2nd: will you e-mail me a copy of that photo of all the girls?

Julia Shinkle said...

This will for sure not be the first time a post on your blog will be about your girls winning an art talented! Miss you!