Monday, December 13, 2010

A shout out to my little Leah!

Two weeks before the new school year we told the girls we were moving. One day before school started, we moved into a temporary house. For a month we drove the girls 1/2 hour to and from school every day. Finally we got into a place of our own and settled with our own belongings. While this was a challenge for all of us, these transitions were especially hard on Leah.
She was really struggling in school here. After only three weeks, Leah's teachers called Lars and me in to meet with them. They expressed concern about Leah's attentiveness, unwillingness to participate, and especially her reading. They had her tested and she was scoring a full year behind. We set up a system where we could monitor and help her more at school and at home.
Last week Lars received an email from her teachers. They had just received Leah's reading score from the state standardized testing. Average was 204, Excelling was 216. Leah scored a 214! Lars was SO proud of Leah and all her hard work that when he told Leah her score, Lars got all choked up. Of course I did too...but it was quite a tender moment for our little family.