Tuesday, December 7, 2010

the Sesame Street influence

Today Heidi came up to me crying and holding her elbow. She whimpered, "Ow! My finger." I told her, "That's your elbow." So she whimpered, "Ow! My Elmo."

A couple weeks ago I took Emilia and Heidi on a walk and had the garage door opener in my pocket. When we got back I told Emilia to say the magic words, "Open Sesame" to open the garage door. She did and I pushed the button in my pocket. Both the girls were pretty impressed with my magic skillz. Heidi wanted to try it next, so I told her to say, "Open Sesame." She gave it a good try, but just couldn't manage "Sesame." So Emilia said to Heidi, "It's ok, just say 'Open Elmo' instead." A logical connection for a five year old :)

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