Sunday, September 5, 2010


So we're moving tomorrow. I'm still not really dealing with it. Over the past two weeks I've been adopting several effective coping skills such as emotional eating, stuffing my emotions and lying to myself. I keep telling myself, We're not moving that far way...I'll probably be back every weekend...yada yada. But here's the deal. My whole daily routine will be shifted. I've spent the last two years dropping my kids off at school and then dropping in on one of my sister-friends. We spend the day goofing off and occasionally sweeping or feeding our children, but mostly just "folding laundry" (translation: laughing hysterically at the trashy day-time TV shows...and secretly getting sucked into them.)

I was trying to explain to Lars on the way home from church today that it's different this time. Somehow the bonds I have formed here are deeper. Maybe because my friends and I have kids that love each other too. Or maybe just because we've spent ridiculous amounts of time together bearing our souls and our spirits, laughing and crying, canning and cooking, crafting and TP-ing, partying and pulling juvenile shenanigans. Whatever the reasons I'm going to miss my friends, are the same reasons that I love them.

Thank you inhabitants of Monmouth for making the last two years of my life the best EVER! I'm going to go lay down in the fetal position and cry now.

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