Friday, August 20, 2010

SANDwiches anyone?

the beautiful scenery
friend Malea, Leah and friend Josh across the river
Heidi baby
Naomi cramming crackers into her mouth. My little germaphobe wouldn't touch the water.

Last night I had a sleep over at my friend's house. No, one of my kids did not hijack my blog, I just refuse to relinquish the privileges of BFF's because I'm an adult. :) The three of us smashed in a bed and ate popcorn and watched Billy Madison. Actually, all three of us were asleep before the movie was over because even though I act like I'm 13, my body still knows I'm really 31 and severely sleep deprived.

In the morning, I returned to being a responsible parent and picked up my girls and brought them back over to my friend's house so we could have breakfast. Then we loaded up three families in two vans and went to the beach. It was a good idea...until we got there. The coast is always windy, but it was REALLY windy. We set up our stuff and attempted to eat lunch, but from the time we lifted our food from our plates to our mouths, the wind blew so much sand onto it that it felt like we were exfoliating our teeth. After about 20 minutes of that nonsense we decided to back track to a river that runs along the highway to the beach in Van Duzer Forrest State Park.

I forgot to bring my camera down to the beach, not that any of the photos would have been discernable through the "Sahara effect". But I did get some fun shots of the kiddos playing in the water. It was much warmer at the stream and not windy at ALL! We were also the only ones there, so that made it more relaxing as well.

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