Saturday, February 21, 2009

I must be CRAZY

So, I let my friends peer pressure me into doing a mini-triathlon with them. This should be interesting. My three main arguments for NOT doing it was
1. I don't run unless i'm chasing a child running towards a busy street, running from a dog or trying to catch the ice cream truck
2. I don't own a swimming suit (never mind the fact that I can't swim)
3. I don't own a bicycle

I thought these were pretty sound excuses for not voluntarily signing up for this torture. On the contrary, I have been wanted to get my body into a different shape than it is in. And now that there is a social aspect to this, it seems mildly appealing.

So my first step was to email my brother who does triathlons, and cycles. I asked him if it were even a possiblity with only eight weeks to train. He reassured me that if my goal was simply to finish the mini-tri, then yes it was possible. So there you have it. My goal (and in my mind, it's a lofty one) is to finish without having to be administered mouth to mouth on the side of the pool, to be scraped off the pavement, or to be life-flighted at the end of the day. Bring it on.


ellsworth family said...

Shar, you crack me up! I think the "just surviving" is a reasonable goal. Who knows, you may love it!
I know I rarely, maybe never, comment, but I love keeping up on your blog. You always leave me smiling.
Good Luck!

The Busy Beez said...

I have been wanting to do the mini triathalon they hold here in Corvallis for years. But, one thing or another got in the way. I have really fallen in love with cycling, but I hear that the best way to get your cardio health up to speed is swimming. One mile of swimming is like 40 miles of bike riding, 10 miles of running. But, all three sports use different muscles and parts of your lungs. If you want to borrow some cycling clothes so you don't have to go out and outfit yourself, I would be happy to loan you some. I won't be able to use mine for at least another 3 months!

Good luck! Maybe I will see you there next year. . .

Debra said...

Shar-You are awesome!!!! The doc I work for does triathalons and she trains for it and everything...but you should do it!!! Just remember...doing it alone IS THE ACCOMPLISHMENT...who cares about placing. Just don't vapor lock. Love you. Good luck!