Saturday, December 6, 2008

The End

Heidi and Miles

It started snowing saturday night and Sunday the girls went out and played with their uncles in the snow. Then we loaded up and drove back down to Kansas City (four more hours) with my sister and her family. We stayed there monday and got back on the plane tuesday. Everyone was a bit more exhausted this time, so the flight didn't go quite as smoothly. Why is it when kids are the most tired, they fight going to sleep? Give it up and pass out already! Eventually Naomi and Heidi fell did I. When I woke up, Emilia had gotten a pen and colored both her feet and legs up to her knees. I really couldn't have cared less! My mother in law picked us up from the airport in Portland and we hung out at her house until Lars got off work and came up to get us. We drove back down to Monmouth (one hour), transferred sleeping girlies to their beds and dropped all our luggage where it remains to this day. Still working on that one!

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