Monday, December 8, 2008

are you talkin' to me?

Yaya has three imaginary friends; Izzy, Tinky and Limey, or more affectionately referred to as "my maginaries". At first I was pleased with this new invention not only because it entertains her for hours on end but also because I've heard having imaginary friends is a sign of genious! (Don't ask me to site my source...i'm sure it's completely credible. Ahem...) Anyway, Yaya has been referring to them with increasing frequency lately and usually in the context of something like this..."Shut up!" "Mooommm, Yaya just told me to shut up." "No I didn't. I told my maginary friends to shut up." or "pttttttttthhhhhhht" "Mooommm, Yaya just spit at me." "No I didn't. I spit at my maginary friends." I'm not so sure they'll want to be your friends for much longer.

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