Sunday, March 11, 2012

That's just nasty

E: Sometimes I like to bite my nails.
Me: Yeah?  That's kind of gross.
E:  Well, I don't do it too much anymore because I have a loose tooth.
Me:  Oh, that's good.
E:  It just means that I have to use my back teeth instead of my front ones.
Me:  That sounds tricky.
E:  Not really.  I just wait until you clip my nails, and then I pick them up and chew them.
Me:  (dry heaving)

A different night

Me:  Hey E, look at the moon!  Isn't it beautiful?!
E:  It looks like a giant toenail.

1 comment:

Amy said...

yes. yes that is nasty. i must admit, i was laughing pretty hard while trying to fight back the vomit.