Friday, December 11, 2009


In September I wrote a post, "Babies Can't Have Tastebuds". I would like to revisit that for a moment.
This morning I made the girls scrambled eggs for breakfast. After I got the girls off to school, I laid down on the couch. After a few minutes I heard some crunching. I couldn't place the sound, but I didn't want to get up and find the source. When it didn't stop, I got up and found Heidi had dug the egg shells out of the garbage can and was chomping on them. I guess next time I'll skip the scrambled eggs and give them to her whole. :)


Kirsten said...

At least the kid got her dose of calcium for the day. And tomorrow's dose too, probably :-)

Debra said...

And what is amazing is that she must like the taste if she keeps them in her mouth!