Thursday, August 15, 2013

Road Kill Bingo

We are about to embark on a road trip from Oregon to Iowa.
Thanks to the modern invention of the car, this should only take 28 hours (not including bathroom breaks, eating, sleeping or getting out of the car on the side of the road so you can breathe and count to ten, or one hundred, before you lose your mind.)  Naturally I started thinking of what on earth we could possibly do in the car so we still like each other by the time we get there.  I visited a few blogs that  gave great ideas if you wanted to spend as much time prepping games for the trip as it would take to get there.  I decided to just go back to my great idea that I've had forever, but have never brought into fruition.  Road Kill Bingo.  Oh yeah.

I told the girls what I was making.  Heidi, who is four, looked very confused and concerned.  "You mean, we are going to try to run those animals over with the car?!"  Haha!  No, we are just looking for them on the side of the road, and if we see them, we check it off.  Then Naomi piped up, "Why don't we just play 'Animal Bingo' and look for living animals while we are driving.  That would be much less violent and gross."  There always has to be a voice of reason...  


Rheanna said...

You and my 4 year old boy. When we were on a road trip a few months ago, I said lets play a game. (thinking I spy)He says excitedly, I know a game! Let's play, Who can find a squished animal?!!!!! There were points and everything. I won...we found 2 squirrels,a possum, a rabbit, and a deer. Cracked me up when I saw your post today! Great minds....

jej said...

i just have to tell you that i love reading your blog. whenever i need a laugh, i read your blog. thank you so much!!!! :)