Saturday, October 12, 2013

An honest conversation

This was the Google chat conversation I had with my parents as I was telling them about hanging up my photo exhibit. This is a priceless gem :)

6:03 PM
i just put it up...and it literally all fell down. so i put it up again today

Gary Fagersten
6:03 PM
what do you mean it fell down?

6:04 PM
i mean, it fell off the wall and onto the floor.  i used SUPER sticky tabs, guaranteed to hold 1 lb per square sticky
apparently my pictures were very heavy?

Gary Fagersten
6:04 PM
why those dirty cheats, I'd get my money back

6:04 PM
i would, but i stole them from the art office

Gary Fagersten
6:04 PM
why you dirty cheat

6:04 PM
i'd have to pay THEM!

Gary Fagersten
6:05 PM
you deserve to have them fall down

6:05 PM
that's probably true

Gary Fagersten
6:05 PM
just staple the pictures up

6:05 PM

Gary Fagersten
6:05 PM
where's my magic marker. I'm going to draw mustaches on them

6:06 PM
you are officially UNinvited
consider this your UNvitation

Gary Fagersten
6:07 PM
where is your show?

6:07 PM
i'm not telling

Gary Fagersten
6:07 PM
well, I'll find out. . .you just wait


Friday, October 4, 2013


Leah will be horribly embarrassed one day when she decides to scroll through all my past blog posts and comes across this one.  So, sorry daughter in the future, but this one is just TOO good to pass up.

Leah and I were sitting in the car and I looked over at her only to discover her with her hand down her shirt.  "What are you doing?" I asked.
"I found a dime and I'm tucking it in my bra.  That's where I keep all my valuables."
" that's what they're calling 'em these days."
"What?!  Mom!  Oh my gosh." 

The next morning before school I said to Leah, "Make sure and put a bra on.  You've got to keep those valuables covered."  She rolled her eyes and turned six shades of red.  Awesome. :)

Old. Just Old.

This is a picture of me.  ME, I tell you!

Reasons I feel really old this school year.

1. The kid I work with tells me every day I'm as old as the Crypt Keeper.  (Shut up Nick!  I'm just kidding.  No you're not.  OK, I'm not.)
2. Students are submitting applications with their birth dates on them that are the same years as my high school career. 
3. I'm taking a 200 level communication class that is generally taken by freshmen, and it is VERY obvious that I'm not following the fashion trends of hoop earrings, off the shoulder sweatshirts, and stretch pants with high tops.  (Sorry folks, I did that in the 80's.  Yes, the FIRST time it was popular.) 
4. I referenced a quote from "Top Gun" which came out in 1986.  I was attempting to prove my youth by saying, "Ha!  I was only seven when that movie came out!"  But before those validating words could escape my lips, my counterpart said, "Ha!  I wasn't even BORN then!"  Fail. 
5. My girls keep asking me to tell them stories from the "olden days, you know...when you used chalk boards at school."
6. I got dressed up for my artist reception and one of my fellow classmates said, "Wow!  You look really pretty when you're not wearing 'Mom Jeans'."  I'm you REALLY know what 'Mom Jeans' are?  Because you probably weren't born when this SNL skit came out.
7. My youngest daughter is starting kindergarten.  Most of the other moms are dropping off their first child.
8. My oldest daughter is in MIDDLE SCHOOL!  How did that even happen?